Climate Action.

The science is settled: We are living in a climate crisis of our own making. And while there may not be much a single city councilor can do to fight global climate change, a city like Portland should come together to stop wasting time and start making haste. If we can’t do it here, what hope do we have that the rest of the country will get on board? 

It requires political will and a lot of work on the part of our elected officials. Elect me and I will champion climate action at city hall, in particular:

  1. Implement a Climate Action test for all city policy.

  2. Increase and protect the Portland Clean Energy Fund.

  3. Decarbonize and Electrify all city government departments and functions. Start with transportation and current infrastructure.

  4. Clean up the Willamette River.

  5. Tank the Tanks.

  6. Subsidize sustainable farming, pollinators, and tree planting.