Responsible Governance.

It has been a long time since Portland was happy with those who represent them. In fact, I can’t remember a time when I asked someone what they thought of our city government, and got an answer I could actually put on this website! Government is supposed to work for you. That’s what government of the people, by the people, and for the people means. In my first 90 days I will focus on engaging with you to ensure that the people of District 3 are heard at city hall.

  1. Citizen Oversight Committee - This has been needed for a long time. It wouldn’t cost a dime. In fact, I bet many would pay us for the privilege to tell us how poorly we are spending their money. 

  2. Community Safety - Hold the PPA to account, and stop sending police to non-emergency situations or situations they are untrained for. Ensure all Public Transit has proper ride-safety officers in place at all times. Fund neighborhood association street cleaning committees or volunteer programs that would work in concert with bureaus like the Portland Street Response. And provide city funds to groups like Rose Haven and other homeless service establishments. 

  3. Restore the recommendations of the voter-approved Police Accountability Commission, which was watered down by the current city council.

  4. ‘Everything Accounted 4’ Program: too much taxpayer money is wasted on things like favors to Mayors and Commissioners, legal bribery known as lobbying, exorbitant consultancy fees, and so on. It’s time that Portlanders understand where all their money goes, and who gives money to their representatives. We must create transparency in our city’s General Fund, and anytime ANY money is given to an elected representative or tax-payer funded person or institution, the people deserve to know about it. The oversight committee would use this data to propose reform efforts each electoral cycle. 

  5. Public Official/Candidate for Office Financial Disclosure Reforms. Hey, if there is nothing to hide, then there is no reason to hide it.